Five Factors That Will Help in Selecting The Right PDU

PDU stands for the power distribution unit. It is used to switch on/off and reboot the gear system running on alternate current and direct current power. It basically controls and distributes electric power. It is consist of a long power strip which does not possess surge protector. It offers electric outlets to use in different settings and does not require further monitoring capabilities. Server rooms, data centres etc require PDU’s where power is controlled automatically. Education centres, government centres, military, public utilities etc need PDUs. You must know about the different types of PDU’s before making a purchase. Have a look at the five factors which you must take care while choosing the right PDU. AC vs DC connector type We have already mentioned that PDU’s consist of a long power strip which is used to accelerate servers and telecommunications. It is used to plug several devices directly into the power supply. They make it possible because it converts one power input into several power inputs. Both AC and DC connectors have PDU’s. They are required to match the power at different sites. You must know the difference between AC and DC powered PDUss. They look similar but they are not. Some of them are built for IT companies. They have 110v AC power. Some of them have -48v or +24v DC. It is your duty to ensure that whatever power you are using, you must have the right connector type. Power Output The right PDU is required to control and monitor power directly and remotely. If the power output is not supporting the gear, there is no point of using it. It is of no use. Also, you must ensure that you do not but a device which has so much capacity that you do not need all of the output. It is important to find a PDU which has required power outputs. Handle redundant Power Supplies PDU’s have a great ability to handle redundant power supplies. If you have more than one redundant power supplies, it does not implies that you need to reboot the system. If only one power supply is required, it is better to issue a reboot remote command. You have to click a button in the web interface to turn off a power relay. Wait for some time and reboot the server. What if the same case happens with redundant supply server? You have to press all the buttons simultaneously to cause a reboot. You can find a different way for this. You can send a single remote reboot command while having the multiple supplies. It is better to evaluate them while considering redundant supplies. You have to find a PDU which can accommodate outlet grouping. Rack Mount vs. Wall Mount The size of the rack must be fit in the environment. They are either rack-mounted or wall-mounted. They are designed according to the requirement. They have a width of 19 inches or 23 inches. They also differ in heights. They are mostly used because they can be mounted on the gears. It also helps in eliminating the use of electric wire used to connect the gears with the server. It is not always fit in the space environment. Sometimes the space is tight. Make sure you choose the right racks which fit in the space environment. Presence of Alarm Monitoring Every one loves additional features. You can include alarm monitoring feature in your power distribution unit. It is possible only after you select the right vendor for the PDU. Some vendors include other additional features in the devices. Working in a remote location, you can toggle incoming and outgoing signal just by having a user-friendly web platform. These five factors will help you to choose the right PDU for your server.

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